Squiggle #3

Squiggle #3

I developed the material for the new dance over a period of about three years.  In order to do this I had to notate the movement material so that I could return to what I had made previously while at the same time freeing myself from the burden of remembering it.  I needed to clear myself of the old in order to embrace the new, and do this on a regular basis, systematically.  I continued a process I had begun earlier of developing a system of notating which involves words, symbols, and various sorts of images.  What is new about the system at this time is that almost all the material for the new dance is not only on paper but also on computer.

I have notated somehow or other all the material of all my dances.  So developing a system for doing this has always been a side project of my dance making.    Over time it has grown clearer to me what aspects of a movement sequence I must notate if I am to recover the material.  Increasingly this set of facts becomes smaller and begins to fall into categories. Images like the one above are scattered all through my notes and I will probably let them pop up here and there all  through this web site.                      SEV  3/14/2009

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